You make me crazy

Rabu, 22 Oktober 2014

satu hari.
dua hari dan lihat sekarang sudah berapa lama.
lima hari sejak aku tak lagi menyapamu di pagi hari. atau sekedar menanyakan keadaanmu di malam sunyi

bahkan ketika aku marah padamu
kenapa bayangmu terus mengusik tiap malamku.
kamu selalu datang dalam mimpiku.

I just dont get you.
why you can treat me like that?

yes, Im still angry. I hate if I dont know you, each day.
I hate to be the last
I wont to be the last
its make me suffer, make me wondering how is your condition.

Im sorry for all my egoism
aku minta maaf atas segala sifat kekanakkanku
ternyata ngediemin kamu itu rasanya sakit.

dont make me fell like this, please.

So, can you tell me how is you day happen.
or tell me your current feeling about the day, about the weather or your sickness of traffic.
just anything...

because I've loved to hear your story.
its make me close to you even I cant see you everyday

Nb. Seharusnya note ini di posting seminggu yang lalu

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